Tuesday, August 12

Pruning and defrosting and sweltering

So I massacred my herb garden today. I know I can't keep them and they're just plants - and I harvested as much as possible, so it wouldn't go entirely to waste - but I still feel irrationally sad about it. It's not just move projection, either - I'm always sad when I have to kill a plant. This makes no sense. I KNOW it makes no sense. And yet there it is. I didn't harvest my basil - it's practically a bush, so I'm hoping it will be adopted. We'll see.

I also packed up much of the kitchen this evening. (Or, more accurately, a good friend came over and packed it up -- which was AMAZING, since a) I HATE packing kitchens and am awful at it, and b) it was 96 degrees here today, and - like most of Seattle - there's no a/c in this house. Three cheers for amazing friends.) Given how much time I spend in there, that was almost more bizarre...knowing I've cooked my last meal in that kitchen. I did keep out a couple pans to help use stuff up during the rest of the week, but it's really just leftovers at this point and cobbled-together smorgasbords at this point, which may or may not resemble meals.

The thing I'm probably struggling with the most is the volume of food I always end up wasting when I move. I've got a bag where I'm setting aside things for the food bank, but there are so many things that are opened and half eaten. Some I hope to pass off on friends, but there's only so much of that I can do. I absolutely hate wasting food. I always have -- being part of the food bank family has just exacerbated this.

So... anybody out there want some buttermilk, frozen in 1/4 cup increments??


  1. Since we moved a lot when I was growing up (military family), we always had parties right before we moved so people could eat or take all of our open food and booze. My mother would also give away open cleaning products.

  2. I think that's such a good idea. I vow to do that next time. I've been pushing food on visitors quite a bit and actually feel okay about what's left, at least relative to other moves. I once gave away literally two garbage bags full of food. Why I had that much in the first place, that's for another time. It helps that we'll be staying in a place with a kitchenette for our first chunk of nomadic life, although there's still the issue of room in the car. Next time, better planning!
