Wednesday, November 23

I'm a lucky blogger

Thanksgiving...a high point of what I think of as "the cooking season". It's gloomy out, and people gather for warmth and unconcerned eating. It's the first and last time people really enjoy holiday food - after this, the Christmas parties come fast and furious, and we're all perpetually...stuffed. But Thanksgiving! Nothing has gone awry yet, no one has been trampled for a big cheap flat screen. There's only food, family, friends, football.

This year, I'm doubly lucky. I'll have a Thanksgiving with my family out here tomorrow - so glad that I HAVE family out here! - and Saturday we'll have our own Thanksgiving at home, because someone has an overwhelming desire to smoke his own turkey. In between, shopping will be limited to the internet and strenuous activities will, nothing. I've got quite a meal planned for Saturday...the turkey arrived this morning from Windy N Ranch in Ellensburg, WA, via Full Circle Farm in Carnation, WA (where I get my bi-weekly organic produce delivery from). Tom Turkey looks pretty promising...there are still some feather bits on him, which is alternately fantastic (so fresh!) and slightly disconcerting. The produce box contents - Yukon Gold potatoes, carrots, celery, leeks - will make up a good part of the menu. There are also pears - you know what will happen to those! The West Seattle Farmer's Market filled in the rest of the ingredients - cranberries, sweet potatoes, bread for the stuffing, all locally grown/produced.

I'm so excited to cook all this - and so grateful to live in a place where all this can be locally provided by non-corporate/industrial farms.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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