Wednesday, August 6

Teasers and returns

So, it's been a minute. Sometimes the bloggage (it's a word) just isn't there. Plus, you know, I got MARRIED (read in Oprah voice, please) and that kind of took of every single waking moment of my life.

It's three months later, and EPB...EPF...I guess he's EPH now, huh? That sounds like an illegal substance...might need a new name for him. Anyway, he and I are picking up and hauling across the country. We've got a week and a half to pack everything from our home, make all the related plans, and get out. (How it came to this is another story and not for this blog) We then will have two weeks to kill before leaving Seattle, so will be somewhat nomadic but within the Puget Sound region. Then week three is the grand cross country road trip! With cat! Oh my.

The only tie-in to this blog is that I'm going to do my best to figure out how to eat on the move in a way that doesn't involve 3 restaurants a day. I think we'll at least have a fridge each place we stay for the first two weeks, so we'll see what happens. Let the adventures begin...

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