Friday, August 8

This is not so bad...and I'm sure I just jinxed it

So, we've all heard the tale/recording at this point of the guy who tried desperately to cancel his Big Evil Cable serviceright? Well...I just had the exact opposite experience. When the very chipper young woman inquired as to why they were losing me as "such a valued customer", I informed her we were going nomadic and would be off the grid for the foreseeable future. Granted that's a tiny exaggeration - three weeks is not the foreseeable future - but that is neither here not there. She was utterly bewildered, and after a moment of dead silence exclaimed "that is SO.COOL. I would never think of that!" And just like that, everything was canceled. No hassle, no harm, no foul. Compared to the other guy's experience I feel like a big winner right now.

On a more blog-related note...I've cultivated a bit of a container garden here, and have been trying to figure out what to do with it all without a) throwing everything into the compost and/or passing them on to people who I KNOW will kill them, b) having to part with all the planters. Turns out that what they say is true: people will take literally anything from the free section on Craigslist, even if it involves them digging up a plant and carting it off in a plastic bag. Two huge bamboo plants: rehomed! A friend from the neighborhood has agreed to adopt my cherry tomato plant (which is LOADED with little green tomatoes, sniff sniff), which is great. Now I only have herbs and house plants to address.

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